Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)

This is one of the most helpful yoga poses for immunity and it increases your ability to concentrate and also builds core awareness. It works on muscles and joints at the same time.

It is a powerful yoga asana as it helps improve balance and has a positive effect on your knees and if you practice this asana regularly, your body will be toned and energized.

How to do Anjaneyasana

  • Face towards the side of your mat. Separate your legs.
  • Align the heels. Square your hips toward the front (right) foot, tucking your rear toes on the ground.
  • Exhale. Inhaling, raise your arms overhead, keeping shoulder blades down the back.
  • Inhale. Exhaling, arch your upper torso slightly backward, tilt your head backward and look up.
  • Keep the rear leg and rear foot straight and strong while holding the pose.
  • Hold with normal breathing.



Yoga Alliance Registration:

We offer YTT courses registered with American Yoga Alliances

  • RYS 200 Yoga Alliance
  • RYS 300 Yoga Alliance
  • E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance
  • YACCEP Yoga Alliance