Can Yoga Help To Boost Immunity? Top 6 Yoga Poses For Boosting Immunity!

NYA Admin
October 15, 2024
Can Yoga Help To Boost Immunity? Top 6 Yoga Poses For Boosting Immunity!

How does Yoga help to improve Immunity?

Yoga has been proven to help in maintaining health since early ages. Different kinds of yoga poses can certainly assist in boosting immunity.

Here’s how yoga can be effective in boosting our immune system.

1. It naturally lowers stress levels.

Yoga is well renowned for its ability to reduce stress. Your body creates stress hormones while you’re under stress, which might impair your immune system. Yoga can increase your immunity by lowering your stress levels.

When viruses enter the nasal canal, a person who is under stress is more prone to have a cold or a fever. Additionally, depression, gastrointestinal issues, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, and asthma tend to be made worse or more likely by stress. The immune and nervous systems are connected, and yoga helps reduce stress hormones and relax the nervous system.

2. It maintains the respiratory system’s health.

Breathing exercises are a major part of some yoga practices, which can help to strengthen your respiratory system. Respiratory infections can be avoided with a healthy respiratory system.
Bacteria that damage the upper respiratory system are what cause colds and other related diseases. The germs can enter the lungs and cause pneumonia or bronchitis if the immune system isn’t powerful enough to fight them out.

One of the most effective methods for preserving the health of our respiratory system is yoga. Regularly doing breathing exercises and asanas improve the condition of the respiratory system and increase lung function.

3. It ensures that all organs perform to their full potential.

Our organs don’t receive adequate blood flow due to desk employment and sedentary lifestyles, which causes blockages and toxin buildup. This may cause systemic breakdowns in the body over time.

Increasing lymphatic flow is vital since your immune system’s lymphatic system depends on movement to do its job. Your immune system may benefit from an increase in lymphatic flow, which can be achieved through specific yoga postures and practices. Yoga encourages the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins from the body when practiced regularly.

The numerous asanas make sure that the various organs and glands are gently rubbed and stimulated while receiving new blood. Organs receive more oxygenated blood, which guarantees they are functioning at their best.

4. It maintains healthy muscles and joints.

Joint and muscular discomfort nowadays doesn’t seem to differentiate based on your age. A lack of activity, a poor bone structure, and a diet lacking vital nutrients might make things worse. Yoga can ease pain by stabilizing muscles through strengthening activities and lubricating the joints with synovial fluid.

5. It improves blood circulation.

Numerous yoga poses can help to increase circulation, which helps strengthen your immune system. Your cells can get the oxygen and nutrients they require to function normally when your blood is flowing normally.

Overall, doing yoga regularly can assist to build your immune system by lowering stress, enhancing circulation, bolstering the respiratory system, increasing lymphatic movement, encouraging relaxation and sound sleep, and strengthening the respiratory system.

6. It increases the quality of sleep.

Yoga can assist you in relaxing and getting better-quality sleep, both of which are crucial for a healthy immune system. Your body is better able to fend off illnesses when you get enough sleep

Ways To Improve ImmunityThrough Yoga Asanas

Yoga is a traditional physical and mental exercise from ancient India that maintains your body in shape and your mind in good health. It combines physical activity, breathing exercises, nutrition management, and meditation for relaxation.

According to yoga instructors, practicing it has a great effect on a person’s body and mind while promoting overall well-being. Yoga asanas, or positions, must be correctly known and understood in order to be practiced.

The daily practice of yoga and meditation is encouraged by yogic authorities as a way to strengthen your body’s defenses. A robust immune system aids in the prevention of infections.

Yoga Poses For Immunity Boosting

There are several yoga poses that you can practice for activating and strengthening your immune system. Some of these yoga poses are:

1. Tadasana

Tadasana, sometimes referred to as Mountain Stance, is an essential yoga pose that is frequently utilized as the base for many other poses. It is a standing position that enhances alignment, stability, and general body awareness.

This posture boosts the immune system and circulatory systems.

The steps of performing Tadasana are as follows:

  • Depending on which position seems more comfortable for you, place your feet hip-distance apart or together. With your palms facing front, keep your arms at your sides.
  • All four corners of your feet should be pressed into the ground.
  • To activate your quadriceps, contract your leg muscles and lift your kneecaps.
  • Engage your core muscles as you lengthen your tailbone down toward the earth.
  • Spread your chest out and roll your shoulders back and down.
  • Lengthen your neck and maintain a forward glance.

Feel anchored and in control as you take a few long, slow breaths in this position.


Simply relax your arms by your sides and release the tension in your muscles to exit the pose. To develop a solid foundation for other yoga postures and to enhance your posture, practice tadasana every day. As a fast posture check-in or to take a moment to ground and center yourself, it may also be done at any point during the day.

2. Trikonasana

Yoga’s Trikonasana, sometimes referred to as Triangle Pose, stretches the spine, hips, and legs. It’s a standing position that calls for stability and strong balance. This posture strengthens the immune system.

The pose known as trikonasana is excellent for increasing the strength and flexibility of the spine, hips, and legs.

Additionally, it can aid in digestion improvement and stress and anxiety reduction. If you have any ailments or limitations, it is extremely crucial to practice the position with perfect alignment and to prevent overstretching.

To perform Trikonasana, do the following:

  • With your feet hip-distance apart, begin in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).
  • Step back with your left foot, holding it at a 45-degree angle, roughly three to four feet.
  • Make sure your heels are parallel to one another.
  • With your palms down and your arms outstretched parallel to the ground, pose.
  • Lift your kneecaps up and contract your quadriceps.
  • With your left arm raised high in the air, hinge at the hips and extend your right hand down toward your right ankle or shin.
  • Continually look up at your left hand.
  • For a few long breaths, hold the position while stretching your spine and breathing deeply.
  • Take a deep breath in as you pull your torso back up to a standing position to exit the pose. Step your feet back together into Tadasana at that point.
  • Step your right foot back and bring your left hand down toward your left ankle or shin to repeat the position on the opposite side.

3. Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana, sometimes referred to as Bow Pose, is a yoga pose that strengthens the back muscles while stretching the entire front of the body. It is an intermediate-level backbend that calls for good flexibility and balance.

This posture improves digestion and back strength, which in turn strengthens the immune system.


To perform Dhanurasana, do the following:

  • Palms facing up, lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides.
  • Kneel down and extend your arms back to get hold of your ankles.
  • Kick your feet into your hands as you inhale and raise your torso and thighs off the ground.
  • Hold the position for a few deep breaths while maintaining your forward focus and deep breathing.
  • Exhale as you slowly lower your feet back to the ground to exit the stance.
  • To relax the back muscles, take a few long breaths in Child’s Pose.

Especially if you have any ailments or limits, it is crucial to practice Dhanurasana with perfect alignment and to prevent overstretching. By holding onto your ankles with a strap or by lifting one leg at a time rather than both at once, you can alter the stance.

Dhanurasana is a fantastic pose for expanding the heart, stretching the front of the body, and strengthening the back muscles and posture.

4. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Matsyasana, commonly known as Fish Pose, is a yoga pose that develops the upper back muscles, opens up the chest, and stretches the neck and shoulders. This posture facilitates breathing by widening the chest and strengthening the back which then helps to boost the immune system.

The steps to perform Matsyasana are as follows:

  • Legs extended and arms at your sides while you lay flat on your back.
  • Bring your elbows close to your body and slide your hands below your buttocks with the palms facing down.
  • Take a deep breath in and elevate your head and chest off the ground by pressing your forearms and elbows into the ground.
  • Lean back and place your crown of the head on the ground.
  • Lift your chest even higher by pressing your shoulder blades firmly into your back.
  • Hold the position for a few long, deep breaths, and then, on an out breath, lower your head and chest back to the floor.


Following are some pointers for performing Matsyasana:

  1. You can use a folded blanket or pillow as support if resting your head on the ground causes you discomfort.
  2. Avoid straining your neck or lower back. If you experience any pain, get out of the pose right away.
  3. Throughout the pose, make sure to breathe deeply and consistently.
  4. Lift your head up, let go of your arms, then bring your chest and head back to the floor to exit the pose.

5. Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar, also known as the Sun Salutation, is a set of poses that can strengthen the respiratory system, enhance circulation, and reduce stress, all of which can strengthen the immune system.

It is a set of yoga asanas that are typically practiced at the start of a yoga session to warm up the body and calm the mind. Surya Namaskar comes in several forms, but the most popular one involves the following 12 steps:

  • Stand in the Pranamasana (Prayer Pose) at the front of your mat with your feet together and your hands clasped in front of your heart.
  • Stretching your arms aloft while slightly arching your back and looking up at your hands is known as Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose).
  • Exhale, bend forward and place your hands on either side of your feet in hasta padasana (standing forward bend).
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Low lunge): Breathe in and step your left foot back while keeping your right foot in between your hands and bending your knee to the floor.
  • Exhale and step your right foot back into the plank posture (dandasana), keeping your arms straight and your shoulders over your wrists.
  • Ashtanga Namaskara (Eight-Limbed Pose): Lift your hips and maintain your elbows close to your sides while lowering your knees, chest, and chin to the floor.
  • Inhale and drive your chest forward as you enter Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), bending your back gently and placing your hands on the floor.
  • Exhale and bring your hips up and back into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose), forming an inverted V with your hands and feet on the ground.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Downward Dog | Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Low lunge): Take a deep breath in and step your left foot forward while keeping your left foot between your hands and bending your right knee to the floor.
  • Exhale, bend forward and place your hands on either side of your feet in hasta padasana (standing forward bend).
  • Ashtanga Namaskara (Eight-limbed Pose): Keep your hips elevated and your elbows tight to your sides as you lower your knees, chest, and chin to the floor.
  • Stretching your arms aloft while slightly arching your back and looking up at your hands is known as Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose).
  • Exhale and strike the Pranamasana (Prayer Pose), which brings your hands to your heart.

As many times as you’d like, you can perform the sequence again, switching which leg you step back with each time. Because it energizes the body and relaxes the mind, Surya Namaskar is a fantastic way to start the day.

6. Setu Bandhasana

Setu Bandhasana often referred to as Bridge Pose, is a yoga pose that develops the muscles in the legs, buttocks, and back while stretching the hips, neck, chest, and spine. This posture strengthens the immune system by strengthening the lungs and opening up the chest.

The steps of performing Setu Bandhasana are as follows:

  • Your feet should be hip-width apart on the ground as you lay flat on your back with your knees bent.
  • Put your arms by your sides with your hands facing down and get your feet as near to your buttocks as you can.
  • Take a deep breath in as you lift your hips and lower back off the ground by pressing your feet and arms into the ground.
  • Roll your shoulders under, clasp your hands, and plant your forearms firmly on the floor.
  • Keep your neck relaxed and your head erect while lifting your chest toward your chin.
  • Hold the position for several long breaths before letting go and lowering your hips and back to the ground slowly.

Following are some pointers for doing Setu Bandhasana:

  1. Avoid straining your neck or lower back. If you experience any pain, get out of the pose right away.
  2. Make sure your knees and feet are hip-width apart and parallel to one another.
  3. To raise your hips higher, put pressure on your feet and tighten your buttocks.
  4. Avoid hunching your shoulders by maintaining drawn-down, back shoulder blades.
  5. Release your hands, and on an out breath, slowly descend your hips and back to the ground to exit the pose.


Yoga should be performed as part of a holistic strategy for total health and wellness, which also includes a balanced diet, consistent exercise, and enough sleep. Learn more about the yogic diet and its benefits to enhance the outcome of your yogic practice. Before beginning a new workout regimen, it’s always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider if you have any medical ailments or concerns.


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