Benefits of Sound Healing and Meditation - Nepal Yoga Academy

Sound Healing and Meditation has been used for thousands of years to fight off bad spirits, rebalance the body’s vibration, and treat emotional and mental health problems (chanting). There have been many different ways that music and sound have been employed throughout history. From increasing workplace productivity to enhancing military troop morale to helping persons with dementia remember their “golden years” and feel more at ease.

Sound Healing is one of the popular healing technique that helps to relief the pain, sorrow and lowers the blood pressure. There are different accepts of Sound Healing therapy. Using the Singing Bowl sound healing therapy, the vibrations of the produced sound heals the pains and reduces the risk of strokes and coronary artery disease. For people who have problem of not getting better sleep, Sound healing therapy can help to improve their sleep.

Some of the major benefits of sound healing therapy and meditation includes:

  • Reduced stress.
  • Fewer mood swings.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Better pain management.
  • Reduced risk of strokes and coronary artery disease.
  • Improved sleep.

What advantages does Sound Healing have?

According to research, it lessens worry, stress, productivity, sadness, memory loss, and both physical and psychological suffering. It also lessens efficiency.
In order to encourage restful sleep, nervous system balance, and emotional discharge, it entails employing certain sound frequencies to create a therapeutic environment.

One of the most popular wellness fads right now is sound healing treatment. It has been used for thousands of years to fight off bad spirits, rebalance the body’s vibration, and treat emotional and mental health problems (chanting).

When music was frequently utilized to treat or even cure mental problems in Ancient Greece, sound therapy became extremely well-liked.



Yoga Alliance Registration:

We offer YTT courses registered with American Yoga Alliances

  • RYS 200 Yoga Alliance
  • RYS 300 Yoga Alliance
  • E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance
  • YACCEP Yoga Alliance