Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose)

This posture stretches the rear muscles and separates the individual vertebrae from one another, emotional pressure on the discs. It enhances ability and intelligence. Also, it massages the abdominal organs assuaging digestive ailments and constipation.

How to do Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)

  • Sit in Vajrasana.
  • Bring your hands down to the floor on either side of your thighs. Walk your hands back toward your butt as you lean your torso back.
  • Slowly bend back, putting the proper forearm and also the elbow on the bottom so the left.
  • Slowly bring down your head to the ground while arching the back. Place your hands on the thighs.
  • Try to stay the lower legs connected with the ground. If necessary, separate the knees.
  • Straighten the spine to reduce the arch in your back.
  • Relax the shoulders and keep away from the ears.
  • Close the eyes and relax the body.

Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose, supported)



Yoga Alliance Registration:

We offer YTT courses registered with American Yoga Alliances

  • RYS 200 Yoga Alliance
  • RYS 300 Yoga Alliance
  • E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance
  • YACCEP Yoga Alliance